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Ring finger is longer prone to prostate cancer

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 | 10:23 PM

One more mystery behind the man's ring finger size that is longer. Now the researchers found men who have longer ring fingers than index finger prostate cancer risk is higher.

Researchers from the Gachon University studied 366 men, average age 40 years who came to hospital complaining of pain during urination. The disorder is one of the symptoms of prostate cancer.

The researchers then measured the length of the fingers on his right hand man, starting from the base to tip. Apparently, these men have ring fingers that tend to be longer than the index finger.

The measurement results were then compared with blood tests. Allegations that the length of the fingers associated with proven prostate cancer, because the levels of prostate specific agent (PSA) was observed 2 times higher than normal men.

PSA is a compound used as an indicator of cancer protat. When found in higher levels, the risk of prostate cancer is also greater automatic.

Measurements were taken at the right hand because of differences in finger length is usually observed more clearly on that side. The experts also reveal, this is because the right hand is more influenced by the hormonal conditions during the in utero.

One of the influential hormone is testosterone, which was also stimulates formation of cancer cells. Previous studies revealed that the ring finger will be longer if the levels of testosterone in the womb higher.

"The difference with the index finger ring finger length is called the digit ratio. Because PSA levels are comparable with tingggi, then the digit ratio can be used to predict risk of prostate cancer," said the researchers in a report published by the journal Urology, quoted from Dailymail, Wednesday (21 / 72 010).

Previous research by researchers from the University of Mainz, Germany found a man who has a long ring fingers tend to drive faster, like danger, always taking risks and often indiscriminate parking.
10:23 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Aggressive men have shorter index

Next time want to find a man that aggressive, comparative look at his finger. According to one study, the ring finger prominently aggressive man who seemed longer than his index finger.

To investigate the ratio of the finger with this level of aggressiveness, Allison A. Bailey and Dr. Peter L. Hurd, scientists from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, measure the length of the finger 298 psychology students and asked them to fill out a questionnaire to measure their aggressiveness.

In an interview, one scientist, Allison A. Bailey, says that the important factor is the cause of the aggressiveness that is the hormone testosterone in men and not a long or short fingers. Allison said, studies that measured levels of testosterone during a baby boy was in the womb of his mother, showed the existence of a strange thing.

Allison said that men who have high testosterone levels, relatively shorter index finger than ring finger.

"Excess of testosterone relative to determining the length of the ring finger in the future," said Dr. Peter L. Hurd, one of his colleague Allison.

So, men shorter index fingers than ring finger was a sign that when a baby, more testosterone levels. And this affects the level of aggressiveness of the man. "The high testosterone causes an aggressive guy," says Allison.

However, between testosterone and the length of the fingers may have been influenced by "The third factor is more important and influential," added Dr. Peter. The study confirmed that the events experienced by the infant while in the womb becomes the deciding factor and influence the personality of the baby later in adulthood.

This finding is not a new thing that links between the length of the index finger and ring finger with a personality. Previous research has even mentioned that men are much shorter index fingers than ring fingers have talent in sports and tend to be more dominant and masculine for women.

However, other studies have pointed to the amazement. The man who fingered index finger is shorter with a higher risk of suffering from autism and immune deficiency.
10:21 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

view the sexual orientation of fingers

Knowing a person's sexual orientation can be the ring finger and index finger. Note the palm of his right hand and compare the length of the second finger.

The discovery was first dikemukan a biologist from the University of Liverpool. Since then, some studies started to be done and its conclusions as follows.

1. Hand man Normally ring finger slightly longer than the index finger. The longer the ring finger to indicate the higher exposure to testosterone in the early weeks of his presence in the womb. He tends hipermaskulin an aggressive character, difficulty concentrating, and have a great interest towards music and sports.

2. Normally a woman's hand has a woman's hand index finger and ring finger index finger of the same length or slightly longer. Length of ring finger in women indicates amount of testosterone exposure during fetal began to develop, between 8 weeks and 14 weeks.

Index finger longer than the normal average indicating high levels of estrogen when the fetus begins to develop. It is associated with high fertility rates and a high risk of breast cancer as well.
10:19 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Makmur Men Have Long finger

Want to know if a man is going to succeed and prosper? Try to see the size of his finger, not his wallet. If the ring finger is longer than the other fingers, especially the index finger, it is probable that sustenance will flow smoothly.

According to one study, men who have a longer ring finger size generally have a hard-working character and no quitter, either in money or pursue a potential partner.

Men with long ring fingers also include people who could be relied upon and seriously in touch. Women who want a relationship that "cool-calm" was probably good looking guy though for the used of this type of man with this type is considered boring.

A number of research teams from Canada who conducts research on links between personality and the size of a finger is found, testosterone levels have an effect on the personality of a man. They also measured the fingers 415 men and women and classifications of personality.

According to the results of the study, men who have a longer ring finger size usually have high testosterone levels. Men in this group belong to those who dare to take risks and ready to fight to win in all aspects of his life.

"We found an association between high testosterone levels are a risk taker by nature in three areas, namely rekresional, social, and financial. Men with this type is usually the target of many women," said Eric Stenström, researchers say.

In contrast with the woman. According Stenström, there is no influence between the size of your fingers with his personality. "In women, the size of the ring finger and index finger is usually the same," he said.

Previous studies showed that the most successful banker whose career also has a longer ring finger size. This shows they are people who dare to take risks and react quickly to market changes.
10:15 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

look at the risk of prostate cancer through the fingers

There is no simple formula to determine who will have problems in the prostate. Therefore, many doctors recommend that men over the age of 40 years of a medical examination the prostate.

Another way to determine the risk of prostate cancer, at least, according to research published in the British Journal of Cancer, is to look at differences in finger length. It is said that men who have a longer index finger than ring finger had a lower risk for prostate cancer.

Finger length has been formed before the baby is born and is influenced by sex hormones in the womb. The fetus is exposed to less testosterone will have a longer index finger size and protected against prostate cancer later in life.

"The results of this research may someday be used as a screening tool to be combined with other risk factors, such as genetic testing and history in the family," says Professor Ros Eeles, researchers from the University of Warwick and the Institute of Cancer Research, UK.

The study adds evidence of previous studies that mention the link between the influence of hormone balance in fetal and diseases that may be sustained in the future. It is not impossible if the will of the pregnant women can do in ways of prevention of cancer risk in prospective baby.

Even so, the men who have a shorter index finger does not need to worry because prostate cancer is more influenced by the age factor. The older the age of a man, the higher the risk of having prostate problems.
10:13 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

view the risk of disease from fingers

Before knowing the risk of other diseases, first observe your fingers to see a long index finger and ring finger.

If the ring finger longer than index finger:

You are at risk of disease: - Osteoarthritis. Researchers from the University of Nottingham found that people ring finger longer than index finger twice at risk of suffering osteoarthirits at the knees. The research team concluded that after measuring the radius of 2,000 people

- Anorexia. Although not yet concluded, but according to John Manning, a biologist, there is evidence that people suffering from anorexia usually have a long ring finger size.

- Flu. Manning In a study conducted on 200 people in Liverpool found that people ring finger length tends to be more susceptible to flu. "The hormone testosterone affects the body's immune system so that a person is more easily exposed to infection," he said.

- Autism. Several studies have shown people in the group ring finger length at higher risk with autism or ADHD.

- The good news, people who long ring finger tends to not smoke. "This is because the hormone testosterone associated with the type of person who extrovert. The habit of smoking is usually done introverted person," said Manning.

If the index finger longer than ring finger

You are at risk: - breast or cervical cancer: Women aged 35-75 years who suffered from breast cancer usually have a longer index finger size. The researchers suspect it is related to estrogen exposure in the womb. The hormone is known to be associated with the development of breast cancer.

- Heart disease: "The length of the ring finger size, the lower your risk of heart attack at a young age," said Manning. He believes the hormone testosterone is useful to protect the heart.

- Bulimia. "Women more often suffer from bulimia than men and the fact that the size of a long finger associated bulimia increasingly shows that it is associated with exposure to estrogen in the womb," he said.

- Asthma and allergies.
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