One more mystery behind the man's ring finger size that is longer. Now the researchers found men who have longer ring fingers than index finger prostate cancer risk is higher.
Researchers from the Gachon University studied 366 men, average age 40 years who came to hospital complaining of pain during urination. The disorder is one of the symptoms of prostate cancer.
The researchers then measured the length of the fingers on his right hand man, starting from the base to tip. Apparently, these men have ring fingers that tend to be longer than the index finger.
The measurement results were then compared with blood tests. Allegations that the length of the fingers associated with proven prostate cancer, because the levels of prostate specific agent (PSA) was observed 2 times higher than normal men.
PSA is a compound used as an indicator of cancer protat. When found in higher levels, the risk of prostate cancer is also greater automatic.
Measurements were taken at the right hand because of differences in finger length is usually observed more clearly on that side. The experts also reveal, this is because the right hand is more influenced by the hormonal conditions during the in utero.
One of the influential hormone is testosterone, which was also stimulates formation of cancer cells. Previous studies revealed that the ring finger will be longer if the levels of testosterone in the womb higher.
"The difference with the index finger ring finger length is called the digit ratio. Because PSA levels are comparable with tingggi, then the digit ratio can be used to predict risk of prostate cancer," said the researchers in a report published by the journal Urology, quoted from Dailymail, Wednesday (21 / 72 010).
Previous research by researchers from the University of Mainz, Germany found a man who has a long ring fingers tend to drive faster, like danger, always taking risks and often indiscriminate parking.
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